How to Be a Beacon of Hope for Loved Ones Suffering from Depression
There is an increasing request for prayer from family members who are struggling with some kind of mental health issue or disorder. Now, some of these are situational, like a death in the family. Some are chemical or biological that can be treated with actual medication that helps, and we should never prevent people from getting what they need.
Some are, well, lifetime problems, uncurable, and then others, yes, are a result of some kind of sin or a consequence of mistakes made, but not always. One of the most common problems, of course, is depression, and we can see in a person that their weight fluctuates, going way up or way down, and their appetite is very different.
There are disruptions in their sleep pattern, sleeping all the time or not able to sleep at all. Maybe their speech is slow, and everything they do seems to be slow, with a lack of energy. They're fatigued, and they can't even complete the most simple everyday tasks.
They feel worthless, talk about shame, and their brain just doesn't function normally, and then sometimes it's so bad, so dark, that they have suicidal thoughts and sometimes harm themselves. We need to help them before it's too late, and prayer is such a great tool. Deuteronomy 31.8 says this:
"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord is the one who goes before you."
He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you. Now, that's important for a family member to know, but it's also important for you who wants to pray for that family member who's struggling because the Lord is with you, and what you want for your life is you want to be able to find the resources for this person.
You want to be able to help them and to encourage them. You want to be the person who eliminates some of that shame and helps them to transform their lives as you transform yours, and that only comes by surrendering to our Lord and letting God do for us what we can't do for ourselves. So, I'm going to give you a prayer, say a prayer, and I hope that you might be able to say this same prayer to those who are struggling, that you care about, those who need God's help, and yours.
A Prayer for Loved Ones Who Are Suffering from Depression
Holy Spirit, lead me to encourage this person I love. Help me not to motivate them as much as inspire them to tap into your presence, your love, and your power.
God, give me the words that could be encouraging. Help me to eliminate their shame by what I say. Help me to be a source of light in their darkness.
God, would you help me find resources and present those resources to them in a way that maybe they haven't even thought of ways of getting this kind of help? Lord, free me of any kind of bias about these issues. Lord, lead me to help this person that I love.
God, I pray that if it's in your will, you will heal them and help them have a miraculous transformation. Lord, knowing that not everything is healed on this side of heaven, help me be as sustaining in my presence as you are. Help me never forsake them as you never forsake me or those I love.
I pray in your name.
God bless you. If you need help, you can call us at 1-800-NEW-LIFE.
Photo Credit: SWN Design via Canva Pro / Steve Arterburn's photo used with permisison.
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