Stressed but Blessed? How Rest Can Realign Your Life with God
Have you ever found that you are doing everything you need based on your convictions to serve God, but while trusting and seeking to obey Him, you're stressed, keeping up with all the different issues you're facing? Whether at church, work, home, taking care of senior parents, or a single person seeking to live a life that pleases God - you end up last, but you're stressed.
It could be that your schedule is tight, and you are running from the job to get home to cook and get the kids ready to go to church for Bible study. Or maybe your kids are involved in activities at the church while you are serving in leadership. So, you must attend meetings, not just serve church services. Maybe the budget is up to you. Things break at the house, but the Bible still says gift to God. The car breaks down, and the Bible still says gift to God.
Then, there are all the different dynamics that our jobs present. The company we work for may not hire enough people, which means more work for you. When you get home, it's time to handle putting the kids to bed and all the different things you may be required to do. Then you sit down, trying to get caught up on your job and feel worn out. So, you're blessed because God blesses your life, and you thank him for it. You are stressed about balancing life when you're blessed but stressed.
When it comes to how we live, it is interesting that we emphasize what we are doing somewhat religiously rigidly in a way. We know God must be pleased when we have these things all lined up. And because of that, we are pushing, pushing, pushing every day to keep all those things lined up. I want to challenge you today. Many times, as a pastor, with all the demands on me, it is easy for me to meet all those demands, but my prayer life isn't there anymore. The intimacy with God is not the same. It's kind of like a husband and wife who may be doing all the right things: they prepared breakfast, paid the bills, stocked the pantry with food, and made sure the kids are thriving, but they are not close anymore, they've drifted away, because the routine issues of life just kept them so busy, so involved, that they don't have time for each other.
What causes things to be less stressed when you're blessed? Communication and taking time to rest when we're tired. You say, 'Oh, but I can't do that because I have this.' No, sometimes it's better to get a bit of rest to be more effective. There are limitations God has allowed us to have. We get tired sometimes. Cut back on the television. Get the rest you need and reduce your over-involvement at work. You may not take that big position because it adds too much stress. Sometimes, you end up with less, but you have more.
Keep intimacy with God through your prayer life, which is a higher priority than anything you do. Think about people like the Apostle Paul, who was busy writing half the New Testament but would pray without ceasing. You'll often look at the fact that you have so many busy schedules in the church that you must study to prepare for what you're doing. Study to be ready for yourself and how you live. Don't study for what you're teaching. First, study how you live. And then when you come to people, love them from your heart, not your responsibility. Depend more on the Holy Spirit to empower your life than your flesh to keep you strong. As a result, you end up blessed even when you're stressed.
Photo Credit: Paster Paul Cannings, Ph.D, used with permission. SWN Design via Canva Pro.
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