The Powerful Effect Divorce Has on Children
The kids will be happier if their parents are happy––so divorce may be the better option, was a common myth from days gone by. But now, with the tremendous amount of research on how divorce affects children, this idea seems a bit archaic.
Most people would agree that divorce has immediate and long-term negative effects on children. However, amidst marital conflict, it’s often difficult for a couple to consider, or evaluate, the pain their children will experience after a divorce.
I am not an expert on the topic of divorce’s influence upon children. However, in 36 years as a pastor’s wife and in 18 years of youth ministry, I’ve observed effects on kids that are consistent with research I’ve done in preparation for this article.
After reading countless expert research pieces and statistics recounting the short- and long-term effects of divorce upon children my goal is to help you glean an overview of that research.
Read more here.
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